So it's the end of one year and the beginning of another. What a busy but fun year it has been, hopefully followed by an even better one! To everyone out in cyberspace, and any other place you happen to be inhabiting, have a fabulous new year filled with everything you could wish for or at least need!
Onto the arty stuff. Here's the last of the christmas cards to post. I had little time this year for cards so only a few for work friends as the family ones had to be mailed earlier at a time when I had no time for art, blah!!! And so...

Hard to see here but a lovely shimmery shiny background made from twinkling h2o's and a little glitter. A girl's gotta have some bling right!
What can I say, Dolly is very persisitent and was adamant about being included in the card making :)
She even contacted Santa! Quite the pushy girl is our dolly!
And onto the xmas photos here's the latest. A typical Aussie xmas scene!

The ds and 2 of our favourite nephews relaxing together... then...

The women in the kitchen! Ahh well maybe next year a swap! I can hear the groans of protest already... well one can always dream!