Thursday, May 14, 2009

Deep Digger

Over on Viv Bonder's website she has started a journal challenge, dig deep, or deep diggers. (Click on the link to go see Viv's amazingly inspiring site). There are inspirations provided, something to help you dig deep, those things which challenge, hide, inspire, motivate, and affect us in some way. The nitty gritty of our lives, or perhaps just a colour or thought and what does this evoke in you? I decided to join, afterall this is for me a year of growth, both in myself and my art, so both feet in and splash! Here's the first one- honesty. Well thats a hell of a prompt Viv. Lots of stuff associated with this word, some good, some great, some... other things. So here's the page.

Oh, yeah, this was more of a challenge than I originally anticipated. I could have written all the nice cutesy stuff, but that isn't what this was about for me. Although I haven't talked about specific things here, and it's not about revealing hidden closet skeletons or such like, (no there aren't any weird or wonderful skeletons trying to get out either!!!), the word was more confronting than I anticipated. That was good though, liberating really, so that was what it was about. Honesty is liberating!
Let me know what you think. Be honest!
Liberate yourself too! :)
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